Big Fight: Angry Uncle Vs Footpath Rider In Bengaluru [Video]

Written By: Ajeesh Kuttan
Published: August 9, 2024 at 12:13 PMUpdated: Updated: August 9, 2024 at 12:13 PM

Bikers are probably the most impatient people on Indian roads. If you are stuck in a traffic jam, you’ll find bikers impatiently looking for gaps between cars to squeeze through. Bikers riding on the footpath is also a common sight in many metro cities. We all know this is not the right thing to do, as footpaths are not meant for bikers or motorists. This behavior often leads to arguments with pedestrians, which generally doesn’t end well. Here, we have one such video where an angry man confronts a biker riding on the footpath.

The video was shared by Good Morning Bangalore on their Facebook page and was recorded by a pedestrian on the same road. From the video, it appears the argument took place on Bangalore’s St. Marks Road. We see an angry man arguing with a Honda Activa rider who was on the footpath.

It seems the rider was on the footpath to bypass the vehicles waiting at the traffic signal. He was probably trying to jump the traffic signal by riding on the footpath. However, the man spotted the scooter rider and decided to confront him. The scooter rider was also adamant and started arguing.

The angry man asked the rider to turn the scooter around and rejoin the road. As the argument escalated, two police officers approached the biker and scolded him for his irresponsible behavior. The cops asked him to turn around, and then they suddenly ran after a bus for some reason.

The man was extremely angry and held onto the rider and the scooter tightly, refusing to let him go and forcing him to turn around. The rider got on the scooter, and the man took out his phone, intending to record the rider’s actions. This provoked the rider, who approached the man and hit his phone.

Angry Uncle stopping rider on footpath

The argument and tussle between the rider and the man continued for a few more minutes before the rider finally decided to return to the road. The man was not in the mood to let it go, and just before the rider rejoined the road, the angry man said a few more things, which made the situation even worse.

The rider parked the scooter and came back with his helmet to hit the angry man. By this time, other people, including a security guard, had gathered around and asked both parties to calm down.

While the scooter rider was clearly in the wrong, as the footpath is not meant for scooters, he should have ideally stayed on the road. As we saw in the video, he did not.

In such cases, it is always better to stay calm and avoid arguments. The rider should have turned the scooter away before things escalated. We are unsure whether the police took any action against the scooter rider in this case. Ideally if you find yourself in such situations, click a picture, report it to cops and do not engage in an argument.