TVS Apache Rider Stunts In Front Of Moving Truck: Nearly Gets Crushed [Video]

Written By: Ajeesh Kuttan
Published: February 28, 2025 at 03:16 AMUpdated: Updated: February 28, 2025 at 03:16 AM

We have said this several times in our stories: public roads are for everyone, and they are not the right place to perform stunts. However, some people never seem to understand and continue doing it. In most cases, they perform these stunts for social media, posting videos and images online. This is done for cheap publicity. Such stunts often end in horrific crashes and accidents. Here, we have a video that shows just that.

Stunt Gone Wrong

The video has been shared by Faiyaz Rider on his YouTube channel. In the video, we see the vlogger riding his bike, an Apache RTR, on a highway along with his friends. He was riding on the road when, for some reason, he decided to perform a stunt while on the bike.

Usually, we have seen people do wheelies and stoppies on highways. This guy, however, decided to do something different. He stood up on the seat of his moving bike while it was still in motion.

rash bike stunt truck crash

He was overtaking several trucks from the left when he attempted this stunt. Just after overtaking one of the trucks, he decided to stand up on the seat—a bad idea. He managed to pull off the stunt perfectly, but he failed to notice how close his bike was to the truck.

In fact, the moment he took his hands off the handlebar, the motorcycle started slowing down. Just after that, the truck hit him from the rear, causing the biker to lose control. He fell from the bike and narrowly escaped being crushed under the truck.

As mentioned above, there were other bikers in the group. They spotted him on the road, stopped, and picked him up. He was then taken to a nearby hospital and treated for his injuries, including an injury to his right leg.

Was the Truck Driver at Fault?

In this video, it is clear that the biker was riding recklessly. He intentionally performed a stunt too close to the trucks. Before attempting the stunt, he was seen overtaking vehicles in a rash manner. The biker was too close to the truck when he decided to stand up.

Additionally, he was on the left-hand side of the truck. If you look carefully, he was in the truck’s blind spot, making it possible that the driver never saw him. There is also a possibility that the truck driver intentionally hit the biker, but there is not enough evidence to prove this.

In this case, the biker was clearly at fault, as he was the one performing dangerous stunts on a public road. If you really want to do such stunts, please choose a closed road or track so that you don’t put your life and the lives of other innocent road users at risk. Also, wear a riding helmet and other protective gear to minimize injuries. In the past, there have been incident where cops have come across such viral stunt videos and have issued huge fines to ensure that they don’t repeat the mistake.