Distracted Woman On Phone Falls Off Honda Dio Scooter After ‘Panic Braking’ [Video]

Riding a two-wheeler in India is already a dreadful task. However, people make it even more difficult by using their phones while driving. Also, what some people do is they even ride their two-wheelers on a rainy day while using their phones. As a result, they get involved in accidents and get hurt. Recently, while doing this exact thing, a woman on a Honda Dio scooter was seen falling on a busy road. Thankfully, she did not suffer any serious injuries.
The video of a distracted woman scooter rider falling on a busy road has been shared on YouTube by Bad Drivers of Bangalore on their channel. This particular short clip was recorded by a dashcam installed in a car that was driving just behind the scooter of the woman who fell on the road.
We can note that the weather was rainy and the road was covered with water. Unfortunately, even in these conditions, the woman scooter rider at the front right side can be seen using her smartphone. It can be observed from the video that she was looking at her phone, which was in her left hand.
During this, the driver of the car with the dashcam presses the horn to make the woman alert. However, the woman was not paying attention to the road despite approaching a traffic signal. Soon after this, what happens is that, as the signal was red, there were some motionless vehicles.
Following this, when the woman rider realizes that there is a Tata Ace pickup truck in front of her, she immediately applies the brakes. Unfortunately, at this point, she could not handle the scooter due to the slipperiness of the road. As a result of this, she falls.
Due to the woman’s fall, the cars that were behind her also had to immediately apply the brakes. So, because of this emergency braking, another bike rider who was in the left lane could also not control his bike and fell on the road. He can be seen coming very close to the female rider who was already on the road.
From the video, we can note that the woman was wearing a helmet. However, as her helmet was not strapped properly, it rolled away after she fell on the road. It also looks like she suffered bruises on her hands and legs. However, apart from some minor injuries, she did not suffer any major ones.
We can also note that immediately after she fell on the road, a number of people came to rescue her. Also, the man who fell behind her suffered some minor injuries as well. Thankfully, both of them were not hit by other vehicles as they managed to apply their brakes on time.
Distracted driving in itself is extremely dangerous. However, when people do it during rainy weather, it adds a whole new level of complexity. When roads are wet, it becomes near impossible to control the vehicle on time. It does not matter if it’s a car or a two-wheeler; all of them can easily lose traction.
So, we advise each and every driver to pay attention to the road while riding a two-wheeler and also while driving a four-wheeler. The attention is especially required when there is rain involved because the chances of vehicles slipping increase exponentially.