Bull Attacks Biker: Truck Nearly Crushes Him (Video)

If you are a person who has been driving or riding on Indian roads for a while, you know that our roads are unpredictable, as you never know what might come in front of your vehicle. It could be a person, an animal, or even an object. These obstacles often pose a threat to road users and even cause accidents. Here, we have one such video of a lucky biker who narrowly escaped from being crushed under a truck after a bull attacked him.
The video has been shared by a YouTube user as a short, and this whole incident was captured by a CCTV camera facing the road. The exact location where this happened is not known. In this video, we see a woman walking with a cow or a bull on the road. The woman is holding a rope, and it looks like the bull was on the other end of the rope.
They were walking on a narrow two-lane road with vehicles parked on the shoulder. As the woman and the bull were walking, we see a scooter rider approaching from the opposite direction. Just as the scooter reaches near the bull, the animal jumps onto the road and attacks the biker.
The rider was not expecting anything like this to happen and was unprepared. The bull attacked the scooter rider, and he fell on the road immediately. There was a fully loaded truck passing through the opposite lane when the biker fell, and he was directly thrown under the truck. The truck was being driven at a slow speed, and the driver had enough time to apply the brakes.
The truck stopped, and we see the biker get up from the road. The woman holding the rope was also surprised, as she was not expecting anything like this to happen. The video doesn’t have the original audio, so we are not sure what exactly happened here. The biker was extremely lucky to have escaped from this attack.
The animal attacked both the rider and the scooter in this case. We hope that the rider didn’t suffer any serious injuries. He was not wearing a helmet to protect his head in case of an accident. After the incident, the rider gets up and starts looking around, as he has no clue what just happened. Animals like cows and bulls often get scared or aggressive if they hear loud noises.
We are not sure if something like that happened here. There is also a possibility that a stray dog barked at the bull and scared the animal. It doesn’t look like there was any sort of loud noise from the scooter or any vehicle in that area that provoked the animal to attack. The rider was extremely lucky to have escaped the attack.
The truck driver was alert, and when he realized that the rider had fallen, he immediately applied the brakes. If the truck driver had not applied the brakes, the rider could have easily suffered serious injuries.
While riding on the road, always be alert and ensure that you don’t drive or ride too close to these animals. In the past, animals like Nilgai have jumped in front of cars on expressways and caused accidents.