Man On Moving Scooter Enjoys Shower To Beat The Heat: Video Goes Viral

Written By: Utkarsh Deshmukh
Published: June 29, 2024 at 04:55 AMUpdated: Updated: June 29, 2024 at 04:55 AM

According to a lot of people, this year’s summer was one of the hottest summers in the last few years. And to beat this heat, many people found a ton of creative ways. Of these ways, the most unique method that we have ever seen was recently shared online. In the viral video clip, a man was seen getting wet on his scooter by a shower setup that he created. The video shows that whoever saw this man on the road with this shower setup was stunned.

This video of the man getting a shower while riding his scooter on public roads has been shared on Instagram. It comes courtesy of Fun With Singh. This viral clip starts with a rider sitting on a white Honda Activa scooter. It can be noted there was continuous water coming out of the shower head.

We can see that there is a water pipe which was submerged in a 20-litre mineral water jug. Most likely, there was a small submersible pump attached so the water could come out continuously. We can see that the man was wearing full clothes and was getting wet. He was even seen talking on his smartphone while he was getting soaked.

Public reactions

public reactions man riding on scooter with shower

Each and every person who saw this man on his scooter with the shower setup was equally surprised as the viewers who saw this video on the internet. We can see that he was first standing in front of a sweet shop, and everyone, including the staff, was staring at this man.

Following this, he started riding his scooter around the city. People who were standing on the side of the roads, along with people who were riding, were seen enjoying this unique spectacle. Some enthusiastic riders even gave this man a thumbs up for finding this extremely distinct solution.

scooter shower reactions

The man did not just stop after riding the scooter. He even went to a sugarcane juice shop and parked his scooter and drank the sugarcane juice while getting soaked by his shower setup. People around him could not believe their eyes, and they were calling other people and creating videos to show everyone.

From the registration number of the scooter, it can be noted that this unique man hails from Rajasthan. This year, the maximum temperature noted in Rajasthan crossed the 50°C mark. So, from one perspective, this unique method of cooling down can be justified.

Safety was compromised

We understand that this particular video has been created with a funny intention. However, we cannot knock down the importance of safety. The man on the scooter was not wearing a helmet, and this goes against the traffic rules. In case of any mishap, he could have gotten injured.

shower on scooter

Another issue with this video is that public safety was also jeopardized. This is because the people who were on the road were getting distracted because of this man. Now, thankfully, nothing happened in this video, but other riders watching this man could have collided with other vehicles on the road. Boys make pool inside Santro.

So we request people who make such kinds of videos to limit them to private properties. Bringing such ideas to public areas can cause accidents and hurt other people. It should be kept in mind that entertainment should also have boundaries.