Ola Electric Scooter Vs Flooded Mumbai Underpass (Video)

Written By: Utkarsh Deshmukh
Published: July 28, 2024 at 02:05 PMUpdated: July 28, 2024 at 02:05 PM

The monsoons in India can be very stressful as a ton of roads get clogged and flooded. Now, mostly every car driver or two-wheeler driver avoids getting into such deeply flooded roads. However, there are some daredevils that do not fear even the extremely flooded roads and ride straight through them. Most recently, we saw another similar example of this when an Ola Electric S1 Pro rider drove his scooter through a flooded underpass in Mumbai.

Ola Electric scooter crosses flooded underpass

This video of an Ola Electric scooter rider riding through a flooded underpass has been shared on Instagram. It comes courtesy of Adheriloca on their page. It starts with a silver Ola Electric scooter entering the deeply flooded underpass in Andheri.

As per the reports, this particular underpass is the Sanpada-Juinagar underpass in Navi Mumbai. It starts off with the scooter rider entering the water without any hesitation. He starts riding on the right side of the road and slowly his scooter gets submerged in the water.

Ola rider takes S1 into water

It can be noted that in the middle, the water reaches his hip level, which means that more than half of the scooter was submerged. The video also shows him slightly struggling in the middle of the underpass due to excessive water. However, despite this, the person continues to ride and manages to come out of the flooded underpass.

Not the first such incident

Watch on YouTube

The above-shown incident is not the first time that an Ola Electric scooter has been taken into deep waters. A while ago, a YouTuber fully submerged his Ola Electric scooter in the sea. He shared the video of his taking his electric scooter into the salt water, where most electronic products get damaged.

In this video, he rides straight into the sea and rides it in the waves. He even takes his scooter to the level where only the touchscreen was visible. And just a few moments later, he also submerges the screen as well in the water. However, despite this dangerous act, the scooter does not die and comes out of the sea in working condition.

Should you take your electric scooter in water?

The simplest answer to this question is no. You should never take your electric scooter or even an ICE vehicle into such deep waters. The primary reason is that it can cause irreparable damages which could cost a ton of money. Sometimes these costs can even exceed the value of the vehicle as well.

Apart from the cost, another important reason why you should not take your electric scooter into water is that the electrical components and batteries of EV scooters are vulnerable to water damage. Submerging them in water can lead to short circuits, malfunctioning, or even permanent damage.

Secondly, flooded roads often have hidden obstacles, such as debris or potholes, which can cause accidents and injuries. Additionally, the reduced traction on wet surfaces increases the risk of skidding and loss of control. Lastly, floodwaters may contain contaminants or hidden hazards that can further damage the scooter or pose health risks to the rider.