Villagers Beat Up Bikers For Offroading To Hill: Arrested [Video]

Written By: Utkarsh Deshmukh
Published: June 29, 2024 at 10:05 AMUpdated: Updated: June 29, 2024 at 10:05 AM

When riding a motorcycle or driving any car in new places where you have not gone before, the first thing that you should keep in mind is to be respectful of local people. Trying to argue with them or getting in fights with them can cause more harm to you than good. Recently, as a prime example of such a situation, a video has been shared on the internet. In this video, a few bikers were beaten by a group of local thugs who warned them not to use the roads used by locals.

Vlogger and villagers fight

This video of the fight between local thugs and bikers has been shared on YouTube by 69TheWanderlust. It starts with the vlogger getting into an argument with a person during a Mahindra Bolero pickup truck with local people standing on the truck bed in the rear. We can note they both were going back and forth verbally.

Rowdy villager abuse bikers

Following this, we can see that the biker, along with his friends, continues on his path to the hilltop which they had come to explore. The person in the Bolero pickup was warning the bikers not to use the off-road path which is used by the local people.

What happened next?

Soon after this, the video shows the vlogger and his group of friends on bikes returning to the base of the hill. During this time, the bikers were then confronted by the same group of villagers. It can be noted that the person who was driving the Bolero pickup truck has parked his vehicle in the middle of the road.

This was done to not let these bikers pass through without having a fight. We can then see two people stopping all the bikers at this junction. They then call other local thugs who came to confront these bikers. Now all of the local thugs and the vlogger start a heated conversation.

Rowdy villagers stop bikers

What happens next is that the matter quickly escalates and one of the goons attacks the biker standing at the front. Following this, other bikers were also physically assaulted by these local goons. We can then note the very chaotic scene.

Were these goons arrested?

As per the other video uploaded by the vlogger, soon after the matter got finished, a complaint was registered against the villagers. Eventually, police authorities came to the village and arrested the villagers involved in the assault.

What to do in such a situation?

Rowdy villagers fight

This particular incident sheds light on the tensions between off-road enthusiasts and local communities. It has to be understood that in rural areas, villagers rely on these paths for their daily commute and agricultural activities. The presence of bikers, especially those performing stunts or riding recklessly, can damage the paths and disrupt the locals’ routines.

Hence, there is always resentment among the villagers and such riders. Generally, these cases do not escalate to the level that it did in the video. But when it does, it can lead to violent confrontations which create a hassle for everyone involved.

How can such conflicts be avoided?

It has to be noted that there are legal requirements to seek permission from locals for off-roading. However, it is a matter of respect and prudence. Riders and drivers should try to win the confidence of locals.

They should ensure that their paths will not get damaged, and doing this simple effort can prevent such conflicts. This particular video also serves as a reminder for bikers to be considerate and respectful towards the communities they pass through.

Rowdy villagers hit bikers

Another important lesson to be learned from the above incident is that people should not take the law into their own hands. While their frustration might be understandable, resorting to violence only escalates the situation.

This eventually brings legal consequences. On the other hand, bikers should recognize the importance of being mindful of their surroundings. They should also note the impact their activities might have on the local communities.